Murrumbidgee Regional High School

Excellence and Innovation

Media For Millennials Comes To MRHS

Media for Millennials

Last week, journalist, educator and entrepreneur Stephanie Aceglav from Media For Milennials visited to teach students to make the media work for them. The curriculum for the week included creating video content, podcasts and using these skills to promote themselves and their business in the online world.

Students learned how to use their phones to create engaging videos and stop motion. They also got to experiment with lighting and backdrops to really make their videos pop. The groups also got to learn professional quality audio recording which they then put to use creating their own podcasts. Some of the topics covered included true crime, urban legends and even creationism vs evolution.

“It was a great practical activity for preparing the kids for life outside school,” explains careers teacher Carol-Anne Sutton, “Students learned how to use creativity to follow their dreams. Stephanie did a wonderful job guiding the group with her expertise.”