11 Dec 2023

Year 10 got a taste of life as business owners last week for Australian Business Week. Students had to build a business from the ground up, handle the marketing and deal with share prices and fluctuations in the stock market in the whole year group competition.
The theme of this year’s competition was disability in sports. The ten groups of approximately ten students pitched products to help disabled athletes communicate better, move freely, and better interact with their surroundings
The students’ hard work culminated on Friday when they had to pitch their product to a panel of experts in an oral presentation, air a 30-second TV advertisement in front of their peers and run a stand in the hall to generate buzz for their product.
It was company Unbound Waters that won the week overall. Between the computerised business simulation, their teamwork, their trade display, their oral presentation and their ad, the team scored the most points throughout the week.
“I think it’s been one of the best years we’ve had for participation. Their trade displays, oral presentations and ads were all of a high standard,” explains organiser Kara Sergi, “It’s a long week, but the kids learn a lot from it. They develop leadership skills and teamwork skills from building a business together. I’m looking forward to doing it all again next year!”