Murrumbidgee Regional High School

Excellence and Innovation

Student Support For The Holidays

Student Support

Here’s hoping that everyone will enjoy the break from school and keep safe during the winter holidays!

If you’re finding it difficult to cope at the moment, please seek help. If you know people who aren't coping, encourage them to seek help. Remember to call 000 if someone's life is in danger.

Resources for help-seeking during the school holidays:

For all

  • Be You support services infographic access here
  • 13YARN Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support – Crisis line

For all students

It can also be useful to have some information available about what to expect when receiving support online or phone, such as:

Work and Study Support

This information would also be helpful for parents of Yr. 12 students

For all parents

Grief resources for students and parents

  • Adolescents and Grief for parents and carers click here
  • Telephone support: Grief line 1300 845 745
  • Understanding Grief and Loss click here

For staff