15 Dec 2023

Here’s hoping that everyone will enjoy the break from school and keep safe during the winter holidays!
If you’re finding it difficult to cope at the moment, please seek help. If you know people who aren't coping, encourage them to seek help. Remember to call 000 if someone's life is in danger.
Resources for help-seeking during the school holidays:
For all
- Be You support services infographic access here
- 13YARN Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support – Crisis line
For all students
- headspace How to stay healthy over the holidays
- headspace Tips for a healthy headspace
- headspace Healthy headspace Action Plan
- headspace How to help a friend going through a tough time
- Reach Out Helping friends
- Reach Out Ways to chill for cheap
- If your friend is not okay click here
- e-headspace flyer click here
- How to handle a tough time, PDF here.
- You can find a variety of other headspace factsheets here.
- 13YARN Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support – Crisis line
It can also be useful to have some information available about what to expect when receiving support online or phone, such as:
- Reach Out’s video about ‘What happens when I call a helpline?’
- Reach Out’s factsheet ‘How to call a helpline’
Work and Study Support
- headspace Work and Study Programs support 15-25-year-olds to plan a career, find employment or work towards further education access here: Work and Study Program and Career Mentoring Program.
This information would also be helpful for parents of Yr. 12 students
For all parents
- Headspace Keeping healthy over the holidays - for friends and family
- Telephone support: Parentline NSW 1300 1300 52- Information relating to older children can be found here
- Parentline has tips and advice around a range of topics that can assist parents in supporting young people
- Head to Health is a go to place to help you find information, services and resources to help yourself or your young person.
- Reach Out has tips to support teenager wellbeing
- BeyondBlue has some tips on Supporting healthy home and habits
- Beyond Blue also has some practical tips on how to start conversations when you are worried about your young person
Grief resources for students and parents
- Adolescents and Grief for parents and carers click here
- Telephone support: Grief line 1300 845 745
- Understanding Grief and Loss click here
For staff
- Support is available through the Employee Assistance Program
- Make use of your GP/private mental health professional
- Educator Wellbeing resources are available on the Be You website.