Murrumbidgee Regional High School

Excellence and Innovation

Year 7 Take On Accelerated Reader Program

Accelerated Reader

Today, Year 7 have reaped the reward of the Accelerated Reader program with and an ice cream party and a complimentary Easter egg.

The students begin the Accelerated Reader program by completing a quick quiz to assess their reading abilities. The students are then given a list of novels, graphic novels and non-fiction texts that they can choose to read. They are also given a target number of books to read.

The students who reach their target are invited along to the Accelerated Reader party. This is a chance to celebrate their achievements with a tasty treat. Today’s selection was an ice cream party, but students in the past have talked books over pizza and hot chips.

The strength of the Accelerated Reader program is the students’ the power to choose what they want to read. The program has hundreds of texts to select from. Accelerated Reader also places a focus on students’ comprehension of the text, with each book requiring the reader to answer a brief quiz on the content of the book once they’ve finished.

“We want to promote a love of reading and to give the students a broader range of reading material. We also want the students to read something they like,” explains school librarian Fiona Painting, “The kids can read any book in the program and if they don’t like it, they can put it back.”

Year 7 will continue Accelerated Reader throughout the year.