Murrumbidgee Regional High School

Excellence and Innovation

MRHS Volunteers Help Out At Riding for the Disabled


On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, MRHS students have been volunteering their time to the Griffith and Leeton Riding for the Disabled Centre. The students and other volunteers from the community have been helping with the upkeep of the stables, caring for and saddling the animals and helping RDA clients ride.

The Riding for the Disabled Association gives people with a disability the chance to ride and enjoy all activities associated with riding. For students, the day is an opportunity to combine their love of animals with their love of community service. For clients, the action of riding a horse can provide a unique form of exercise and rehabilitation.

The complex movement of the horse helps to improve coordination, balance, muscular development and fitness. The activity can also develop confidence, self-esteem and communication skills in the clients.

“They’re great kids. They’re really lovely,’ beams RDA Club President Julie Groat, “They’ll put the horses away. If we have a slack day and they don’t have to lead, they’ll clean up the paddocks. They’re a joy and a gem to have.”

Volunteering with RDA is open to students from Year 8 to Year 10. Anyone interested should contact Fiona Painting or Carol-Anne Sutton.