24 Nov 2023
Year 11 Business Studies have taken an unorthodox approach to learning about value this term by designing and manufacturing (and consuming) cars for Tiny Teddies.
The task was part of their unit on business operations. The students were given the raw materials for the cars, referred to as inputs, and had to assemble these raw materials into a finished product, thereby adding value.
The class had smarties, mars bars and Nutella to work with. Students even differentiated their products to give themselves an edge in the market by building trains, double decker buses and even a plane.
The students then had to figure out how much they would have to sell they would have to sell the cars at to make a profit. Some students were shocked to find out that their vehicles would have to sell in excess of twenty dollars to see a return on investment.
“The assignment was a practical (and delicious) way for the kids to see the productions process in action,” explains Business Studies teacher Caprice Skinner, “It really was the perfect way to spend a Friday afternoon.”