Murrumbidgee Regional High School

Excellence and Innovation

School Uniform Policy 2022

School Uniform Policy 2022

The NSW Department of Education requires schools to set local school uniform requirements. The department supports the wearing of school uniforms, which promotes a sense of belonging for students and creates a positive identity for the school community. School uniforms also contribute to the personal safety of students by allowing easier recognition of students inside the school and in the community.

Murrumbidgee Regional High School is a uniform high school in line with the NSW Department of Education Uniform Policy. The uniform was selected and endorsed by the school’s students, parents, and community. At Murrumbidgee Regional High School, we aim to educate the whole child, not just academically, but in the values of integrity, excellence, democracy, respect, responsibility, participation, care, and fairness.

It is with these goals in mind that our uniform policy has been developed. There are four key reasons why the school community endorses the wearing of school uniform at our school. They are:


Our uniform is distinctive and allows our staff to immediately recognise any intruders or potential dangers at school or on excursions. There are also mandatory safety requirements regarding clothing and footwear for several key learning areas at school. These are incorporated in our uniform to ensure all students can participate in a safe manner.


The school uniform provides an even playing field for all our students regardless of their socioeconomic background. Allowing variation to the uniform provides students with an opportunity, intended or otherwise, to create division within our school. The price of our uniform allows parents to avoid the pressure of buying brand name clothes.


Our school community wants to see students who are proud to be part of this great school. Presentation in uniform creates a positive tone in our school and reinforces that we are here as one respectful, committed group with a common sense of purpose.


Our school community wants our school to be seen as well organised, well presented, positive and cohesive. Such impressions influence the public perception of our school and affect potential enrolments and therefore the curriculum opportunities that are made available to our student.


All students attending Murrumbidgee Regional High School are required to wear full uniform at school, to and from school and on excursions, unless other clothing is specified.

If a student is unable to wear school uniform for a particular day, a note signed by a parent or guardian that explains the reason for out of uniform must be presented to the student’s Roll Call teacher.

Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a negative consequence, being banned from extra-curricular activities and school representative teams.

What Not to Wear

Please note that the above uniform does not include shirts with logos or patterns; non-school sports jackets / jumpers / shirts; jeans; football shorts or similar; coloured jackets or jumpers; brand-name jumpers; non MRHS hooded tops; brightly coloured socks or leggings. Hats or bags with offensive language or logos advertising / naming / implying alcohol or drugs are also not permitted.

Riverina CHS and other representative apparel is not part of Murrumbidgee Regional High School uniform.

Jewellery & Make-Up

Extravagant, unusual, or excessively large jewellery is not appropriate for school wear and in some cases may constitute a danger to students in the school environment. Extravagant make-up is not appropriate for school wear.

Families experiencing genuine financial hardship may apply for student assistance funding to assist with school uniform costs. These applications are completely confidential and are available at the school office.

Procedure of Monitoring Uniform

  1. Uniform checks will take place every day as part of Roll Call. Students who are out of uniform without a reasonable excuse will be documented on Sentral.
  2. Students who are repeatedly out of uniform will be interviewed by a member of the school Executive and will receive a phone call home. Support will be offered to ensure the student is in correct uniform.
  3. Ongoing uniform issues will be dealt with by the Deputy Principal.

Uniform Options

The Murrumbidgee Regional High School Uniform is available at Lowes Griffith: the Student Assistance Scheme can be accessed if there are financial difficulties - please contact the school for an application form.

Junior Girls: Girls check dress, check skirt, black shorts / skort, black pants, teal polo shirt, teal blouse (long or short sleeved)

Junior Boys: Black shorts, black pants, teal polo shirt, teal button-down shirt

Senior Girls: Girls check dress, check skirt, black shorts/ skort, black pants, light teal polo shirt, light teal blouse (long or short sleeved)

Senior Boys: Black shorts, black pants, light teal polo shirt, light teal button-down shirt

Unisex: Black sloppy joe, black striped jacket, black woollen jumper

Sports uniform: Black track pants/ shorts, sports polo with house colours

Hats: MRHS black bucket hat and MRHS black cap - these are not compulsory

Shoes: Fully enclosed leather

* School shoes must be fully enclosed leather shoes which cover the whole foot. Canvas shoes or similar do not meet the Work Health & Safety requirements or NSW Department of Education. Students are to wear sturdy sports shoes for Sport Days and PDHPE lessons.